Maryam / Mariam (Arabic: مريم, "Mary") is the 19th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 98 verses (āyā...
Maryam / Mariam (Arabic: مريم, "Mary") is the 19th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 98 verses (āyāt). It is named after Mary, mother of Jesus (Isa), and the Virgin Mary in Christian belief.Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier "Meccan / Makki Surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca (Makkah), instead of later in Medina (Madinah / Madina).The text of the surat (sorat) refers to many known prophetic figures, including Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Ishmael, Idris, Adam, and Noah. According to Sayyid Qutbs commentary, these references serve to emphasize Gods oneness and to delineate the various possible responses to prophecy and their consequences.Content:In its original Arabic, the text of chapter 19 progresses through a series of varying rhyme structures that correspond to the content being discussed. Throughout the initial narration of the stories of Zachariah and John, Mary and Jesus, and other prophets, verses rhyme based on the syllable ya. When the text moves on to a commentary on the true identity of Jesus, words rhyme due to a long ee or oo preceding a nasal m or n, which is considered to give an air of settledness or finality to the subjects being discussed. The first rhyme scheme is then resumed during further accounts of earlier prophets and changes to a rhyme based on a medium a following a voiced d when the Surah discusses punishments for those who reject truth and the prophets. The strength of this vocalization is exchanged for the stronger still double d sound when denouncing unbelievers for their criticism.Exegesis:The chapter opens with the Bismillah and five Arabic letters: Kaf; Ha; Ya; Ayn; and Sad. The remaining 97 verses can be divided into three primary sections.The first section, verses 2–40, consists of the narrative of the prophet Zachariah and the birth of his son John, the story of Mary and the birth of her son Jesus, and a commentary on Jesus true identity which rejects the Christian claim that he is Gods son.The second section, verses 41–65, tells of Abrahams departure from his familys idolatrous ways and then refers to many other prophets. The text discusses the various responses of those who heard their prophecy and the fates those hearers met; throughout these descriptions, the oneness of God is emphasized.There are 99 ayaat in this ‘makki’ Surah. It is written in the commentary of Majma’ul Bayan that the reward for reciting this Surah is equal to ten times the number of people present at the time of Prophet Zakariyyah (a.s.), Yahya (a.s.), Isa (a.s.), Musa (a.s.), Ishaq (a.s.), Harun (a.s.), Ibrahim (a.s.), Ya’qub (a.s.) and Isma’il (a.s.) combined.Keeping this Sura (written) in the house ensures protection from thieves and Allah (S.w.T.) blesses the occupants of the house. It is also narrated that before going in the presence of a tyrant ruler, if a person recites ‘Kaf-Ha-Ya-’Ain-Saad’ and closed, with each letter, one finger of his right hand, and then recites ‘Ha-Mim-‘Ain-Seen-Qaaf’ and with each letter, closes one finger of his left hand; and then he comes in the presence of the tyrant and recites ‘wa ‘anatil wujuhu lil hayyil qayyum wa khaaba man hamala dhulma’ and then he opens his fingers, he will be protected from the evil of the tyrant.يحتوي تطبيقنا المتواضع على تلاوة خاشعة للشيخ ماهر المعيقلي بصوت نقي وجودة عالية بدون انترنتسورة مريم : السورة التاسعة عشر في القرآن، وهي إحدى السور المكيّة، ماعدا الآيات 58 و71 فهي مدنية. بلغ عدد آياتها 98 آية، وتقع في الجزء السادس عشر. ونزلت بعد سورة فاطر.والسورة سُميّت على اسم العذراء مريم أم عيسى المسيح، لتكون بذلك السورة الوحيدة في القرآن التي سُميّت على اسم امرأة.نرجو الا تنسوا من فضلكم تقييم البرنامج باعطائه خمسة نجووم كاملة (*****)نعدكم بتحديث البرنامج في كل حين ونسأل الله تعالى أن يوفقنا ويوفقكم لعمل الخير